09-16-2003, 11:13 PM
LOL, u guys are hilarious, then name one good reason y 9/11 happened. 9/11 happened BECAUSE During the Soviet invasion against Afghanistan, the US actually Backed Bin Laden, and provided him supplies to win. Then after the soviet left, they became allies and when the Persian Gulf War happened in 1991, Bin laden favored american military against hussein, which eventually forced him out of kuwait. Then the americans occupied Kuwait.. Bin Laden has one simple request, get out of muslim territory. The US didnt do that and got bin laden pissed so thas Y HE DECLARED WAR ON US. If the US got out, none of this would have happened, and Noctis, u fucking low life, LEARN YOUR HISTORY BEFORE U START ARGUING about this, Y DUNT U TELL ME DURING WORLD WAR II, before the US got involved in Arab territory, how come the arabs started to hate us For NO apparent reason