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Default 09-17-2003, 04:04 AM

Well, seeing as Spearhead reached such a small audience in the big scheme of things the chances are no one bothered to create a walk-through for obtaining all the medals (And I tried looking via google, but in my experience if the first page doesn't yield your answer, the entire list of 4k won't either). I managed to find a walkthrough for SH, just nothing mentioned about medals.

You're just out of luck on this one, unless someone here has personally gotten all the medals.

From what I've read you get medals from keeping all your fellow soldiers alive and also (if it's like MOH:AA) from completing surpluss missions that aren't obvious to the eye.

Other than that you're on your own, soldier. And, this is personal opinion but, why is it so important that you get all the medals - So important that you have to cheat to do it?

You'd not deserve them anyway biggrin:

I suppose the answer to the question in the topic header would be "You earn them by playing the game very well". As for a difinitive list... Can't help, sorry.
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