Originally Posted by pest
Typically, the only people that think hurricanes are fun are the ones that have never actually been through one. And no, the tropical storm outer fringes dont count as being thru one. And neither does having the rainstorm that used to be a hurricane.
This isn't even going to be a serious hurricane. Yeah, it's big, but the winds aren't even going to top 100 miles per hour. If you live in a hurricane prone area (which I do) there are hurricane codes required for houses. Any house built is required to be able to withstand constant winds of 90 miles per hour, but a larger or well-built house will withstand more than that, minus a few shingles. Trailor parks? Should've just got an apartment, IMO. They're SOL. Anyway, I've been through Hugo and a few smaller ones, as well as the two Nor'easters that ran into each other over VA Beach, which was determined to have been worse than some hurricane that rammed through the area.