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Editing weapon mods
Timur the Lame is Offline
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Default Editing weapon mods - 09-17-2003, 01:31 PM

I was wondering if anyone knows why you can't have certain gun mods replace different stock weapons. For instance, if I edit the pk3 of the fg42 and change the tik file to kar98 instead of the original mp44, and I join axis and select the mauser the fg42 will show up but when I try to reload the game freezes. Now I know that most of the mods don't work properly on other peoples servers, but if I leave the pk3 it replaces the stg44 and there are no problems even in other people's games. It only freezes when i change the tik file.

I also have another mod, the m1 carbine and I can make it replace any gun with no problem what so ever. For example, if I change the tik file from garand to panzerschreck or shotgun and I go into someone else's server and join axis and select the the panzerschreck it does NOT freeze, it just looks a little funny that's all. My question is what part of the pk3 file allows the m1 carbine to not freeze the game, so I can edit the fg42 and other mods so it'll do the same?

I know I'm not the only person who has tryed to move guns around. How many people have this problem? And, does anyone know what is causing the game to freeze and how to fix it?
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