Thread: Syria's weapon
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Default 09-17-2003, 04:47 PM

No need to lock it, no one has broken any rules.

A topic is posted, people replied in heat (as they're allowed to, as they're replying to the subject matter in which they strongly disagree with) and, as he is allowed, Blitz flamed back.

Why lock it? That it is "useless" is a matter of opinion (and, lol, one I would agree with, but that's besides the point). Opinions will be allowed here so long as they fit the rules.

If you don't like the thread then feel free to not look at it. If you read the rules throroughly (particularly the Flaming section) then you will see that, if you truly don't like the flames then each member has the right to...

Go read them and find out for yourself.

Other than that, demands to lock threads will be duly ignored. Demands to do anything will be ignored. Again, you can read that in the rules, too.
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