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bahamut is Offline
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Default 09-17-2003, 05:43 PM

In Mission 2, I successfully got all 3 men of my squad out alive on Normal. The tricky part is, which part counts toward the scoring for a medal? If it is the first part in the snow fields, accomplished that. But during the second part where you get to escort the truck and protect it, do they have a health meter as well? And um, no I didn't get any special medal. Just one for clearing the entire mission.

If we were to discuss Mission 1 with regards to keeping squad mates alive, I clearly have no idea what to do. For one thing, other than the Captain, your SAS teammates will die as you progress.

I too thought that the first row of medals would be awarded when you complete special missions. But this theory is flawed when we take into consideration that the first row, second medal is awarded for completing a tour of duty.

Well from one review I read, SH lags on a Geforce 3 ti500 with a 1.5Ghz CPU. This was clearly mis-represented by their "recommended" statistics. Granted the graphics are really improved over AA (albeit slightly), still the single player campaign feels like an excellent fan mod.

I paid for it and expect longer missions like AA. I can understand that fan mods are done by ppl with a regular job, a family and friends and of course expectations have to be resonable. SH, on the other hand, is a professional product that we shell out $$ for. Is the short length of SH single player justifiable for a purchase? imho, NO. Cause I don't play mulitplayer FPS.
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