09-18-2003, 02:03 PM
1. Yes, I think you should dissallow partial reloads just so it makes people conserve their shots a little more.
2. No, because you can hit someone over the head and not kill them, not to mention peoiple wearing helmets. Also when you bash you dont always hit a spot that would kill someone like if you hit someone in the arm it shouldnt kill them.
3. Definately remove the health because it is kind of ridiculous to just all of a sudden get health when you kill someone. But, you should definately leave the ammo because it makes sense to grab ammo off of a dead guy. Soldiers always did that when they had the chance. Also if you are going dissallow partial reloads you should give us some way of increasing are ammo.
Can't wait to see what the whole mod entails. Keep it up!