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-[17thAirborne]- Clan in need of mappers
Lt.Col.Sudano is Offline
Posts: 47
Join Date: Aug 2003
Location: Malden, MA
Default -[17thAirborne]- Clan in need of mappers - 09-20-2003, 10:37 AM

i need a mapper who can mostly make Destroyed/inside maps. i tryed but i dont know all the complicated stuff yet just the brushes and textures. now cus im new at it i only make indoor maps like bunkers. actually im working on a bunker map but i heard that youu have to maake entities for spawn points and i have no idea what that is so i am just working on shape and some details in the underground complex. it will include sleeping quarters, cafateria, brifing area, suplies and some other stuff, maybe a scientist workshop, anyway i will realy apreciate it, thanks
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