01-26-2002, 03:28 AM
1)... You start walking around pretending to hold a mashine gun.Looking around the corners.
2)...You see other people walkiking around pretending to hold a mishine gun and looking around corners
3...When u see your teacher u salut him
4)...You run as fast as u can when u see a dog.
5)...After playing the game, you say to your parents. " i want to be in the army"
6)... When u see binoculors, you try to find a "click" button to call in the air strikes.
7)...cut your self a little bit to see if no blood comes out.
8)...walking in a crouch mode
9)...letting your friends walk around corners first.
10)....start to look in every window you walk past, to see if there is any movement