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Default 09-21-2003, 12:40 PM

The bazooka and panzershreck replacements for city nights 2 (the grenade launchers) have entirely new reload animations. Most of the rifles reload with a clip using a mg reload that was modified. We did several animation changes with 2. It was seriously a pain in the ass too.

Far as Hitp, havnt tried it, so can't crit it. MW is looking good so far, we'll just have to wait and see. Either way people should realize , like Hobbs said, that the people like us that are making these things are the only people keeping this game going. As far as what Idriss said about cn only being weapons and a map, well then you obviously didn't get City Nights 2. We changed EVERYTHING, down to the small shit like the loading screens and menus. City Nights Final will end up having all the maps from the previous 2, plus 2 new maps (equaling 5 multiplayer maps), The best weapons from the previous mods (plus a few brand new ones), and all the menus, load screens, etc we can pack into it. It will change everything.
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