Originally Posted by "Dr. Deleto":ea276
Originally Posted by BucKweEd
Originally Posted by Pyro
I actually enjoy it, especially if I have one in the morning after I wake up.
I hope you enjoy Cancer and Emphysema when it kicks in. n00b
Are you the one going to suffer from those diseases? No. so why the hell do you care?
I'm not allowed to look out and be concerned about someone? if you didnt know, I actaully know pyro in real life.
and I can suffer, not necessarily from the desease, but emotionally, knowing the a good bud of mine has has to suffer from cancer and what not. so dont gimme ur shit[/quote:ea276]
...yeah, thanks buddy.
Not many people from what I hear get cancer unless they are a long time smoker, which I am not and don't plan to be.