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Default 09-22-2003, 08:44 AM

Originally Posted by rudedog
Just one thing to remember when buying online. You may find something really cheap to find out it's an OEM part vs a retail boxed part.

Most of the time, you will get no extra software, no big deal. But most OEM parts like video and sound cards will have lower quality ram and in some cased be clocked lower, thus the cheaper prices. I would always recommend buying video and sound card in retail packaging.

CPU's - OEM's only have a very short warranty 2 - 3 months. Where a retail boxed CPU will have a fan and a 2+ year warrantee.

I recommend I have purchased way too many computer parts in my life and have had very good luck with newegg.

Let us know how you make out in the end and what parts you purchased and how it runs MOH, CoD and or BF42

Yes but i want to try to stay under $1,000...

Also can anyone reccomend a powersupply for a 2.8 ghz?
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