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Default 09-22-2003, 03:13 PM

the only 2 games i know with a killcam type thing are dod and bf42. probably 90% of servers have that turned off. the whole point of a sniper is that theyre hidden and the person they killed doesnt know where they are. in real life once you got shot by a sniper you'd be dead and wouldnt have a chance to go back and kill him. almost everybody who plays dod wants to get rid of deathcam (just look at the forums at, theres no point at all putting it in the game, it just gives you a free wallhack with the game.
the only time it actually could be useful is in obj modes where you dont respawn. then you can watch that player in spec (aslong as spec chat is hidden to players).

i dont like the idea of the 2nd gametype much. just sounds like another moh idea, axis soldiers running around a town using radar to track down allies. doesnt sound very realistic for a realistic ww2 game. i can see this game ending up like moh in mp after a few months

and i dont mind playing as the axis, i nearly always play as them in any game. they had the best army on earth in 1939, and the army wasnt made up of nazis. they were just normal german men and soldiers like the allied soldiers.
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