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Re: Daily Rant - Drivers and Islam
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Default Re: Daily Rant - Drivers and Islam - 09-22-2003, 04:03 PM

Originally Posted by Noctis
because they are white guys with a small penis complex that compels them to try and overcompensate by buying a $3,000 Civic hatchback and spending another $2,000 on it to make it LOOK like they've spent another $10,000 on it, which would be equally as RETARDED as the former, when you think about it.
1st of all, not every single guy with a "hooked up" civic is a wigger. I have some friends across town that drive "ricers"(hint hint hake: )all the time and they're not, i repeat NOT wiggers. Man, i personally think that your a racist pig who hates wiggers. Go ahead and say something about blacks and mexicans while your at it. We need ppl like you off the road and off of this planet. Fyi, wiggers hate you 2 cuss:
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