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Location: Fraser Valley, BC, Canada

09-23-2003, 05:00 PM
In response to the islam part. It maybe be written in their "bible" (can't remember how to spell the name right now) that they should kill anyone who doesn't follow islam. But very few of them actully follow this part. If they all did, we would all be dead by now. As a Canadian soldier in Afghanastan put it "God help us if they change their minds about us being here." If they truly wanted to, they could over power us. But, not all of them do, only the extermist like Osama Bin Laden follow those particular passages. In contrast, the christan bible supports slavery, but do you keep slaves? Do you believe you should have slaves? Of course not, not all religions follow 100% of their ancient practices. If they did, the world would be much more violent.
About the road rage, I've found most women to be good drivers, though there are exceptions. The main problem I have is the young, teenage guys who are always doing stupid ass shit to impress their friends. Like passing on the shoulder, passing near the top of a hill, cutting blind corners, and tailgating. Even worse, one guy was going slow, so I went to pass him, as soon as I was next to him, he floored it, and I had to fall back behind him. It was at night, so I flashed my high beems to express my displeasure with his dumbass trick. Then, he went over 100 KPH up a part of the road known as "Snake Hill", a winding, dangerous hill, with a good 100 foot drop on one side, cutting the corners all the way up. Next this dumbass floored it by a cop, who, if he hadn't been attending to a car in the ditch, would have pursued. That when I turned off the road and got away from this idiot. Next, are the "white trash" type who drive big ford or chevy vans and insist on turning left five feet infront of me, forcing me to slam on the brakes to aviod t-boning them. Finally, the people who decide their cd player deserves more attention than the road. I almost got rear-ended by one of these peole. The person infront of me was turning left, I had been stopped behind him for a coulpe on minutes when I hear tires squeal, a horn honk, and a van swerve around me. The girl driving honked at me and gave me a look like it was my fault she almost hit me. Maybe it was, after all a bright blue ford windstar (my moms van, my car doesn't run), stopped, with bright brake lights on must be very easy to miss. rolleyes: