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ToRmentor[OSB] is Offline
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Location: Woodland Hills, CA
Default 01-26-2002, 08:44 AM

Why is there all this fuss about Omaha sniping? I really don't see the big issue here with Axis sniping on the Axis side of it all. The Allies can just do the same thing from the beach. Remember it's a WWII type of game, so are we going to modify it for silly reasons such as this for a bunch of whiners? Should we all just play in godmode to compensate? I dont think so and its weak/cowardly to cheat. Furthermore it's not that difficult to move up to the shingle to the bunkers.

All I here is complaining and no mention of Teamwork. That is the essential key in these this type of gameplay. You can't just Rambo and think your gonna make it in by yourself. You have to work as a TEAM, like a buddy system; stick with someone that knows how to play and backup him/her. I'm not Mr. badass but I do know what is to work as a team. Quite complaining about a problem that really doesn't exsist and for all of you that make this such a complaint are a bunch of NOOBS and want the easy way out. Take this as a challenge and play the game like it was meant to be!

Where do you think I got my name? Come and get some if you dare!!!
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