01-26-2002, 08:48 AM
Being really close to the big 60,I grew up with vets and all the war stories.
I called my brothers father-in-law tonight as he is a Normandy landing vet,also was at the Battle of the Bulge at Bastoine and afterwards assigned to Pattons' Army to finish out the war.
This is what he said:
Snipers: Anybody in a tree or alone in a building and shootin at you was a sniper.
None of the rifles by the body had scopes,in fact he never saw a scope on a rifle at any time during the war.
Shotguns: Never saw or heard of anybody using a shotgun,Allies or Axis. He said he helped clear out a lot of towns too,no one used a shotgun.
Rocket Launchers: His Company had one bazooka and they used it alot.As for the Germans they used the Panzerfaust alot if they had them.
Mr. Hughes said the hedgerow country was tough but he never was so cold in his life as he was at Bastoine.
....Grey Hughes....15th Inf/3 Div.
Thany You Sir and We Salute You
Shoot Low Boys
They're Ridin Ponies