Originally Posted by bored
Originally Posted by Gerard
Originally Posted by bored
Originally Posted by Gerard
Id request a mod change poll question to.
Who was STUPID enough to buy breakthrough.
Seriously..its pure shite. Makes spearhead look like a friggin masterpiece and thats saying something. oOo:
in your opinion which is a shitty one
In anyones opinion jerkweed, go check the gamespot review i think it got around 6.7, real value for money that pos.
I gotta love your comments though, you just another lurking jackoff who chimes in now and again with a pathetic attempt at an insult only to have your ass handed to you with ease, so you slither away untill you can think of another "witty" remark. Do me a favour and run out infront of a semi will ya kid.
Blah Blah Blah, fucking piky
LOL omg what an insult. oOo: BY th way its "pikey" retard.
Oh and powell as for "dumbass coments" ill assume you were one of those that actually bought this steaming piece of shit. I hope you have fun playing on hard mode and standing 5 feet away from groups of germans only to have them totally ignore you. Well worth the cash this expansion. rolleyes: