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Default 10-02-2003, 05:51 PM

Appearantly the legitimacy of it is rising faster and faster:

[quote:83b51]Taken from the QT3 forum:

"*IX*Aszurom wrote:

[edit - Apparently the distributed file - which is supposed to be widely available on the EDIT scene now - also contains the source for Steam. Furthermore, it has the cd-key encryption/validation mechanism in it apparently, which would make sense for Steam. People are also validating that the HL2.ico file is the real one, and there are a lot of publicly unreleased monsters and weapons named in here that appear to make it seem VERY legit.

If the part about the cd-key code being out in the wild is true... well, how far back do you think it'll push the game NOW? I'd assume their packaging has already been printed, which means the cd-keys are generated and on the cases. Hrm. Maybe they'll have to ship inserts that say "here's your real cd-key... ignore the one on the case"?]"[/quote:83b51]

I cant see how this would push the game back though. It IS going to get warezed, and alot of people here are gonna warez it before they buy it. Fact of life. And valve should know this. However, is this thing able to mimic TOTALLY the keygen needed to produce VALID ONLINE CDKEYS not just installation keys? This is the thing I'm concerned about. Or not really concerned - cause more power to ya if u can get me this thing for free.
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