10-03-2003, 11:49 AM
Yeah I bought the game to see what it would be like. Since I downloaded the DEMO I wasn't too impressed.
Needless to say, the single player has good missions but my comp was lagging BAD with it. Everytime I would shoot someone or avoid being shot the whole game would slow down and piss the hell out of me.
With that being said, I went into Multi mode and decided to give it a try. The results from Multi compared to the Single was by FAR much better. I experienced no lag time. The Liberation mode is pretty fun. Good maps for that mode. The TDM has some kick ass maps. I don't like Palermo that much..but overall I think its better then SH.
The Italian weapons as well as the new English weapons are pretty good. I was very impressed with the Carcano (the Italian Rifle) I was able to handle it better then the German Mausar. Not to mention the 6 round clip in it.
The Italian Nades suck royal monkey balls! Imagine throwing a Pickel Jar and there is the Italian Nades. Can't be thrown very far and they are bulky. But they pack a pretty good explosion.
I wasn't planning on buying BT but for some reason when I tried to load up SH, it wouldn't load and when I looked at the disk I saw a huge ass crack in it. (Don't ask me how that happened) So I said ehh what the hell and bought BT. You can still play all SH mods through BT. All the maps, as well as V2.15 off SH. Over all BT is ok Not the greatest but ok. beer: