My luck is Changing -
10-04-2003, 05:19 PM
Well, I dont believe in Luck that much, I believe in fate, and that things happen for a reason. Let me begin
Well, sine the summer started. I've been out trying to find a job, and I had no luck. I filled out applications haned in resumes and cover letters, I didnt even get a phone call for anything, untill this morning, I got a call around 9am, froma job I applied for, I was called in to have an interveiw before 3pm. so I went back to bed after talking to the guy who called me.. and woke up at arounf 12:30pm, I got ready to leave at 1pm.. but I looked out side and it was cloudy, so it was about to rain. I called my friend to see if he could pick me up and drive me to where the intervie was being held (it was the mall by the way) so he wasnt answering his phone. So I had to walk there, it was raining and windy and cold ffs. anyways.. I got there. I had the interveiw and got the job! w00t. im so glad I got it. now I wont be moping around the house doing dick all, all day.
Ok, now here is the weird thing and why I beleive everything happens for a reason.
I was suppose to go camping this weekend with some friends. but the "adult" that was suppose to go with us, his son got sick or something like that and couldnt go. So, if I went camping I wouldnt have got the call for teh interveiw and Iw oulndt have got the Job.
And here is the other thing. The freind I called to give me a ride to the mall wasnt answering his phone.. so i walked.. and on my way there. I walked through a park.. and the ONLY time I glanced at the grass... I saw something.. so I looked closer.. and I found this watch.... I couldnt bleive it
here is a pic...
it still works and all.
So, thats why I beleive things happen for a reason..
by the way. I start work on wednesday. EEEEEEEeeeeeeee