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Default 10-04-2003, 10:28 PM

From some of the replies it seems some people here are completely retarded. "Illegal Aliens" means any person (...including white people) who resides in the Country illegally. They're not paying taxes like the rest of the working class people and they're not putting money back into the economy. They take all the money they make here and send it back home to their mud-hut in the hopes of upgrading to something with a solid foundation in which to build on. They save money by eating one meal a day and by renting a house with 50 more illegals just like them.
When my ancestors came here from Italy and Austria, they did so LEGALLY. They actually learned the language, adopted the American culture, and paid their dues to this i don't want to hear anyones liberal views on the matter. If you want to live in this country, learn the language and pay your dues like everyone else. Is that asking much??

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