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Default 10-04-2003, 11:29 PM

Originally Posted by Madmartagen
Whats wrong with letting noncitizens drive? they fuckin pay taxes over here anyway and they need to get to the jobs no one else wants. if they dont have a car, then youll just bitch about 'all the mexicans are taking over the buses.' it isnt a national crisis to let in people who are looking for work. and like someone said earlier, this was mexico until the US stole it from them.
Driving is a priviledgenot a right. Who's money funds the revenue dept., hwy dept. ect. Tax payer money that's who.These people do not pay taxes. They don't help to fund law enforcement. You can damn well bet that very few of them would stay currnt with insurance: at best you could hope they carry liability. I bet you would be real happy to get rear ended by a nice non-english speaking, uninsured illegal alien. Then you could start bitching about how your auto insurance premium has suddenly gone up. As I eluded to earlier..... they are also a major strain on an already strained healthcare system in this country. Just having them here in the first place is a drain on the economy not to mention giving them drivers licenses.
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