10-05-2003, 04:15 AM
how stupid, ive been hit by 3 white asses who were too stupid to have insurance, and one of them thought it would be a good idea to try and get away. whats with this manifest destiny BS i hear about? oh, ok god said we can have all of this land because no one else is using it right? sounds like you are babbling yourself. and as for taxes, everyone who works in this country pays taxes, immigrants arent the only ones who dont pay. i can imagine all the immigrants in white collar jail for tax evasion, cant you??????. as for your ILLEGAL ALIENS, they provide over 80% of your crops in this state and around 60% of construction. they also repair and clean up the roads that you drive on because no one else wants these jobs. let see you bitch and complain about not being able to find a house or a place to work or some food to eat. as for the economy, immigrants provide more for the economy than you give them credit for. you can blame the sagging economy on the retard in the white house and in the governors mansion. the last president left us with a $127B surplus and gave us the best economic boom since WW2, you can blame W for your economic woes. yes driving is a priviledge, what kind of stupid answer is that, im not disputing that, and it is totally irrelevant in this matter. the only difference between a citizen and non citizen in this country is that you cant vote. how are they not priveledged enough to be able to drive to work? a car is a necessity in this world. if a 16 year old kid who doesnt pay taxes, doesnt work and cant vote can drive, why cant immigrants?