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Matt228 is Offline
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Join Date: Mar 2003
Location: Kingston, New York
Default 10-05-2003, 02:30 PM

Originally Posted by DJHeadUp
Originally Posted by Matt228
.pk3 files are just zip files with a different name, so you can download winzip and extract files or create files with that. you just need to rename the file from .zip to .pk3.

this doesnt fix the pakscape but it should work.

you cant do that, there are paths and directories that winzip wasnt meant to create, you cant make a zip file and change the file type, its like trying to turn an mp3 to a txt... i had been trying to make pk3's with winzip for a while, pakscape is pretty much the only way to do it.

i did it just now and it worked perfectly. the directories were preserved perfectly, and mohaa ran it. you can change the extension because a pk3 is a zip in disguise. the extension doesnt change the filetype, it just tells the computer what to use to open it.

maybe it is a setting that preserves the directories or maybe we have different versions of winzip thats causing problems.
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