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Default 10-06-2003, 01:35 AM

The guy from Jay and Silent Bob strikes back said it best: "That's what the internet is for, slandering others anonymously." The fact that I'm 6'2, 290lbs and can bench 210 dosen't set in the mind of anyone else like Ed, Simo, etc. . .that I may be able to beat them down if they talked down on me, or vice versa.

The fact remains; I try to stay as civil as possible, wether the forums are based on a video game, or whatever. Jokes are jokes, and the antics here are mostly that, but even still, people can be annoying. (IE: Sclass)

Either way, I'd go on with my dumb little life, and drop all of the crap, as long as the peanut gallery here could do the same. But unfortuneatly, that dosen't happen.