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Default 10-06-2003, 03:58 AM

Originally Posted by "Bazooka_Joe":44965
Either way, I'd go on with my dumb little life, and drop all of the crap, as long as the peanut gallery here could do the same. But unfortuneatly, that dosen't happen.
Well, not when you say things like this:

[quote:44965]The fact that I'm 6'2, 290lbs and can bench 210 dosen't set in the mind of anyone else like Ed, Simo, etc. . .that I may be able to beat them down if they talked down on me, or vice versa.[/quote:44965]

You fat cocky fuck.

Typical internet talk....."OMG I COULD KICK YOUR ASS IF I MET U IN REEL LIFE!"

Buy a fucking airplane ticket and come and get me, fatty.[/quote:44965]

It was an example, hence the vice versa part at the end. My point was there's a difference in insulting someone behind a PC, and in person.