05-29-2001, 08:44 AM
Aletoledo: I know, it wuz soo close, thats wut drove him nutz.. He felt responsible for those men.
Also my grandpa on my moms side wuz a MP in the states. He had some great stories of drunken Americans. There were also German prisoners kept there but they were allowed to go to some of the parties. My granpa said the Jerry's would usually stick together and never say anything to any1. They would be all quiet.. My grandpa also told me of when around 2oclock in the morning they would bring in all the crazy Sgts and Lieutenants from France. "It was a pitiful sight" he said, those men were shaking and all shellshocked.
The only war story he had was when one of his freinds had been wounded in OMAHA! He came back and told the story to my grandpa. All that wounded recruit remebered was getting off the boat, an explosion blowing him sideways, his sgt screaming something, and another guys whole torso getting ripped apart by machinegun fire, then he remebers heat in the leg and passing out