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Default 10-06-2003, 02:54 PM

Originally Posted by Hollywood
How many times do people have to say "you are an annoying attention whore" before ED, Tripper, Gerard, and the lemmings like Simo finally break down and kill themselves in real life? Just do it guys it doesn't get any better from here, it just gets worse. Look at it this way, not only do you have no talent or intelligence to get you past where you currently are in life, but you will just keep getting older and uglier. Making fun of people on the internet will not always make you feel better, in fact it won't be long now before you finally wake up and see how sad your short life is here on this planet. Come on just pick up that gun, put it in your mouth, and squeeze the trigger. Not only will it make your lives better, but it will make a better place for years to come. P0W!!!111

lemming ? sleeping: sleeping: sleeping: sleeping: sleeping: