Originally Posted by Tripper
Originally Posted by MrLevinstein
Whew, that was all pent up. Noctis prolly wanted to say it but cant. Freedom of speech my cock. White people dont get a reach around when it comes to talking about blacks. We just have to sit there and take it.
Whew that was pent up.
Blame your forefathers for treating black people like shit for the past 250 or so years.
Oh please. My forefathers were Irish immigrants who were FORCED into the civil war upon entering this country. Yet I am still lumped into the group that is supposed to take shit off blacks and not give any back. If you really want to bring up forefathers, then lets talk of these same black people's forefathers who were in fact the ones that sold the slaves to the white men. Yes, that's right. But in the end, blacks sing the praises of the strong african man who is his "brother", even though these same people are the children of the same men that sold them into slavery, but my ancestors who died fighting to free them, even though they had just entered this country, are rascist peices of shit in the black man's eyes.
not to start a flame, but I speak my mind where I please. My family had nothing to do with slavery yet I am still thrown into the same group as the ones whose familys did. I think today's society as a whole needs to understand that all whites are not former slave owners.