Thread: Discuss ED here
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Discuss ED here
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Default Discuss ED here - 10-07-2003, 07:17 AM

This is the only thread to discuss ED please. This way we can keep them all in one place.

Just to set the record straight,
Unfortunately Ed has been banned, because of his conduct towards other members, yes including Joe but not limited to Joe and his actions in these forums.

First I would like to say that, it took a lot for me to have him removed. I never wanted to get him banned but he asked for it, literally. He continued to go on and on after being asked to calm down, via PMs.

Another very good friend of mine as well as good friend to all of you ( sorry unless he speaks up I will not be posting his name and no he is not part of AAN) , wishes not to help anymore because of his real life but mostly because of what ED does in these forums. That and only that is what broke my back and has been building up towards ED since them.

I wish to apologies to all the other members who had to put up with his rhetoric. I let me friendship get in the way and I am truly sorry.

ED, Sorry but when push comes to shove I had to do what I did. I hope you understand. I still consider you a friend, even after your comments in IRC. wink: I understand you a little better then everyone else here or I believe I do. If you ever need anything you know where to reach me.

Not so Rude
- Rudedog
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