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Default 10-07-2003, 08:51 AM

Originally Posted by Tripper

K, firstly - Was I fucking talking to you? No. So don't fucking take it like I was personally attacking you...You're Irish? Good for you you drunken, flat-foot, potato eating, mother-fucker.

This is a typical comment made by those who can't handle that their ancestors fucked up.
Who exactly were you talking to here Mr. smart guy? Last I checked when you say white people it means me too. dumbass.

and then you go back on yourself and say my ancestors did in fact fuck up. contradiction in it's best form. 1 year of African American studies huh. Well good for you. When you get out into the real world let me know how you like being summed up as a rasict because of your skin color alone, then come back here and argue this point. I've taken years of this same whiney bullshit from blacks and the people too ignorant or stupid to go against what they say.

The fact that my ancestors had absolutely nothing to do with slavery, yet at least some black people's did should be enough to prove my point, but somehow you shrug it off as "Only SOME black people did that". well check what I said there genious. NONE of my family did. I'm not remotely rascist, and neither is my family. We respect others, unlike you silly fucks who blame everything under the sun, except some of the main things that started the problem.

Lastly, read the last part of my post there Gonzo.

[quote:32eaa]not to start a flame, but I speak my mind where I please.[/quote:32eaa]

You bitching at me for doing exactly what I should be allowed to do anyways only proves your silly little ideals are all fucked up. You are arguing a point by going against the very meaning of it. What is racism? finding a certain ethnic group, calling them names, fitting them into stereotypes, and looking down on them for being themselves?

[quote:32eaa]You're Irish? Good for you you drunken, flat-foot, potato eating, mother-fucker. [/quote:32eaa]

But your so enlightened because you take the black man's side huh. gimme a fuckin break. You'll eventually see my point, because your obviously white and WILL have to deal with the same shit we all do, and for what? For being just that, WHITE.