Thread: Discuss ED here
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Re: Discuss ED here
Tripper is Offline
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Default Re: Discuss ED here - 10-07-2003, 02:11 PM

[quote="Bazooka_Joe":5eb05]Well, for Rude's last post in the other thread with all the thread-quotes, I was being retoric to people's post on purpose for about maybe 10 threads, just to show what it's like to just be ganked with insults out of nowhere.[/quote:5eb05]

Haha - Whatever, dude....I really do believe that. rolleyes:

[quote="Bazooka_Joe":5eb05]It's not that hard just to suck it up and move on, but unfortuneatly some people can't understand that. I wish they could.[/quote:5eb05]

Sure it's not that hard, but it was actually you that started our little flame war with that subtle comment which I'm sure was supposed to be in some way offensive....More about that below...


Originally Posted by Rudedog
Joe comes in and adds some remarks along with everyone else. asks tripper to translate and bam! Tripper reponds -Like always
hake: In case you haven't noticed, I've made it pretty clear that the whole 'Wigger' thing doesn't swim well with me....Even in that very thread which that happened in. Joe comes along and does that on purpose to piss me off......Why else?

He even declared on THIS thread that he was intentionally going around flaming people (Scroll up to the top of the post).

Originally Posted by Tripper
Originally posted by Pyro:
I think they all suck

That's cause j00 like it up teh butt!

w00t to my magmus-magnificent thread!
What's that all about? Go back to that thread, and tell me why that was added to the 'list?':
[url= 24bd25566e660b326d:5eb05]Zee Thread[/url:5eb05]

As you can see by it's nature - It was clearly just me and Pyr0 joking around.....I'm sure he'd vouch for me on that one...It had NOTHING to do with Joe, or anyone else for that matter.....:

Originally Posted by Rudedog
Tripper chimes in again?? pattern???
So to this, I say: