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Default 10-07-2003, 09:19 PM

Originally Posted by MrLevinstein
Are you fucking joking me, Chango?

When I talk about lazy minorities I mean Minorities. Includes spanish, and whomever is not part of the majority.
OK lets break this down

Originally Posted by MrLevinstein
When I say lazy minorities, Im not saying the entire black race, Im saying the inner city blacks who think that way?
Originally Posted by Chango
Thats nice, you're fine with lazy majorities, but minorities(specifically blacks) you have a problem with
You said when minorities, and then you mentioned blacks specifically, not any other minority, just blacks, not spanish, not mexicans, just blacks. And again you seem to only have a problem with lazy minorities, not lazy majorities (you do know what a majority is right?)

Originally Posted by MrLevinstein
As Noctis said the treatment of The Jews over the past 2000 yeares has been horrific compared to slavery is North American Colonies. Last time I looked The Jews wernt looking for a check every month just because the white man kept them down. After these times Jews were eager to regain and enter society again as helping instead of hurting the economy. I respect jews because after 3 or 4 attemped Genocides, they wont take a handout.
I said nothing disagreeing with what Noctis said about Jews being treated unfairly for 2000 years. What I was disagreeing with was what Noctis said about using the Egyptians enslaving the Hebrews as an arguement against American slavery of blacks. Stop trying to put words in my mouth or reread my post, you obviously missed quite abit.

Originally Posted by Shagnasty
and who said there is no evedance of jews being slaves? thats a dumb comment, the same for blacks then. you didnt live back then prove they were just some one wrote they were. SARCASM
Legal Documentation and in some cases pictures is more evidence than stories written down to fuel a religion.

And who brought up reparations?