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Default 10-07-2003, 10:55 PM

Mmm-Kay everyone, I apologise - I was to brief with my post and didn't explain myself enough.....:

I never once said it was alright for Blacks to whine about their past and pull the race card....But then again, I never said it wasn't alright - I'm staying out of this side of the argument because I don't have an opinion on this matter.

But the fact is, I never said it was alright.....You guys just put words in my mouth. Fockers. happy:

I simply wanted to say with my original post to levinstein - That after 250 years of being treated like shit by another race, what do you expect? You expect people to just stop bitching about it?
Shit - If my people were enslaved for hundreds of years, and then even after slavery ended they were still being oppressed openly....I'd be pissed off too.

And yes, this is different to other slavery issues in other parts of the globe....For one, it isn't as long ago - Most people could easily trace their family tree into this period of time.....Secondly, and most importantly - The oppression went on for decades after the civil war.....Right up until the late 1960s....And even after....

All of you conveniently forget about how blacks were being openly oppressed during the segregation era just 40 years ago.....Do you think now that equality has been instated (Supposedly) that everyone is just going to forget about it?
People that faced the oppression are still alive....!

Just for Deleto:

Originally Posted by Deleto
Who exactly were you talking to here Mr. smart guy? Last I checked when you say white people it means me too. dumbass.
Please quote where I said 'White people' in my original post.

This will be interesting.

Originally Posted by Deleto
You bitching at me for doing exactly what I should be allowed to do anyways only proves your silly little ideals are all fucked up. You are arguing a point by going against the very meaning of it. What is racism? finding a certain ethnic group, calling them names, fitting them into stereotypes, and looking down on them for being themselves?
How am I doing that, you mick bastard?

Originally Posted by Deleto
But your so enlightened because you take the black man's side huh. gimme a fuckin break. You'll eventually see my point, because your obviously white and WILL have to deal with the same shit we all do, and for what? For being just that, WHITE.
I'm so enlightened, because I actually understand what Im fucking talking about. Retard.
I see racism all the time.....I've been called it all, Whitey, Cracker, Honkey....And not even from African Americans....

The fact of the matter is....I never actually said it was alright for blacks to be racist at all. I simply said TO FUCKING LEVINSTEIN - NEVER TO YOU, YOU STUPID FUCKING IMBECILE, that he should blame his forefathers for treating blacks like shit for 250 years.....The reason I said this, is because if it wasn't for them, blacks wouldn't be so pissed off in the first place.

You're such an antsy bitch....So stirred up in your own fucking period blood, that you can't even see what I'm saying.

I'm sick and tired of your stupidity, Deleto...