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Default 10-08-2003, 12:02 AM

My stupidity? You constantly contradict yourself in every thread you post. When you said "Blame your forefathers for treating black people like shit for the past 250 or so years. " then you were obviously talking about whites in general. Either that or you should learn to clarify what you are talking about, since you claim you know it so well.

You should seriously quit trying to sound smart, and learn some shit through life. Oh I understand that your generation was brought up in a period where you were brainwashed to think that you actually owe something to minorities for things done by other people in the past. But the fashion you use to argue your topic is ignorant and rascist in itself.

Anyone with intelligence can listen to another's argument and reply with some form of tact. But you, in all your genious, fly off the handle the moment someone has a different opinion of things. Why not try doing some research on the way the Irish were treated for over 100 years when they started arriving in America. No slavery of course, but damn near as close as you can come to it. But do you hear them saying that the general population owes them something for it? I never have. Racism is a double edged sword that we all must be cut by. The way you handle yourself in situations like that will show the true demeanor of your personality. And you my friend, have shown your true colors with your constant flaming of another individual, for simply speaking his opinion on the matter. It's not ignorance, It's not stupidity, It's the way things have come about in my life, and the effects that I have reaped.

Why not for once try thinking of the other person's opinion instead of instantly trying to discredit it and prove them wrong. You must be open minded to accept new possibilities. I myself have for years weighed this very same dillema and I have come to my before stated conclusion. Never once did I say it was right or just what was done to the slaves, but I also believe firmly that I myself owe absolutely nothing to them for those acts commited so long ago, by other people. This is all I stated, and I used simple FACTS to back my stand up.

Finally, if you were were talking to levinstein only, why not put his name SOMEWHERE in the post? Or maybe even pm him. Just a helpful thought to stop this from happening again. I like you Tripper, I have carried on several conversations with you on these boards that seemed intelligent and well thought out, and I always thought of you as a bright person, but the constant flaming of myself and others for doing no more than stating our opinions is absurd at best. The last time this happened I was backing up your side of the argument by stating that a person should be comfortable with themself and not care what others think of him. I may be a bit long winded in my approach and explanations, but that comes simply from 6 years of college (always try to fit in as many words as possible to make the paper longer). Simply put, I am tired of this little game, and withdraw.