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Spartan61 is Offline
Posts: 75
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Rochester, NH
Default Breakthrough - 10-08-2003, 07:01 AM

I bought it and enjoy it. The SP levels are good and having fun. The Bunker Defense level is a riot. While you are getting juicy drawers wreaking hell on the dumb attackers, you had better notice the hits to you from the side and back cuz the STUPID AI has soldiers sneak up on you. Guess thats why that health pack is on the crate in back of you. All I have to do now is have more than 6 health when the dog-face tells me they need me at the next bunker. I get there just in time to get shot to pieces.

The game is what you make it. Most people complaining have copies of MOHAA and can't play the Breakthrough Expansion.

Nuff said

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