01-27-2002, 11:01 AM
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Tahoma, Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorenz:
Ok, now this is unusual it shouldn't even be an argument. it's quite obvious they are the same guy, that's why all the suspense was going on between him and Upham. Upham, without doubt saved willie's life when they captured him. Anyone who says they are not the same guy, i have one question for you...
How did he know Upham's name? eh? answer that one.
well, the guy that said uphams name before he got his ass shot by upham is indeed, most definitely the same guy cpt. miller let go..upham shot him in disgust because he witness him shoot miller (the same guy that let him go...watch that scene)..now the guy that stabbed mellish, then started comin down the stairs never, NEVER, said uphams name..the only reason why he let him go was because upham stood down, and he didn't have a gun (although he might as well have stabbed him, but he left his knife in mellish)..trust me guys, i fought hard in an argument sayin they were the same..i took a close look, and the definitely are not..i'll break it down:
1. steamboat willy: wermacht uni, the guy they let go at the radar station
2. cut to the guy stabbin mellish..SS uniform..doesn't call out uphams name comin down the stairs..this is the last we see of him
3. then steamboat will (after bein thrown back in rotation), still sporting the wermacht uniform comes into frame with a bunch of other footsoldiers as they lay down fire with their k98's..
4. upham witness willy shoot miller in the chest (if you watch that scene, upham looks horrified)..after the artillery strikes soar over and the foot soldiers flee, upham pops out..
5. in a twist of irony (and they were all over the place) he lets the other soldiers go and keeps willy pinpointed with his M1..
willy says "Upham"...BANG!
end of story