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Default 10-08-2003, 11:01 PM

Originally Posted by Madmartagen
Originally Posted by Chango
[ Look it up in a fucking book, its not like I made it up.
By reading my reaction, you should have come to the conclusion that i already knew what it meant. my sarcastic reply was in fact the very meaning of the manifest destiny. "god said it was ok for us to take the land because no one else was using it' was a sarcastic, but fairly accurate statement. it is an ignorant and racist idealogy to think that it is anyones god given right to bring a righteous society to anyone that is deemed 'incapable' or unworthy of self government. the fact that you used this ideology to justify Americas conquest of the southwest is unfair and cruel.
Originally Posted by Madmartagen
whats with this manifest destiny BS i hear about? oh, ok god said we can have all of this land because no one else is using it right? sounds like you are babbling yourself.
It seems you knew what you talking about and were just being sarcastic, until you added that flame. And its obvious that you completely missed my sarcasm in my original post, so here i'll help you

Originally Posted by Chango
He's referring to the Mexican-American War (or he's just babbling like an idiot) But we call that Manifest Destiny, not stealing[/sarcasm]

as for the rest of your post

Originally Posted by Madmartagen
To get back on point, driving is a priveledge, but all it does is allow you to drive a car. and you have to pay to drive a car, and you have to pay to learn how to drive a car, and you have to pay for insurance to drive a car, and you have to pay for maintainence to drive a car. its not like immigrants are getting a free ride.
Theres no guarantee that they'll pay for any of that, except gas. They could teach themselves to drive or have someone that knows how to drive teach them. They could opt to not get insurance and just risk it, or they might not be able to get one since they are illegal aliens. And they could do the maintenence themselves or have someone they know do it. So, for the most part, they are getting a free ride.

The law that allowed this was only created to get more votes for Gray Davis, thats all, and it worked, not quite enough to let him win though.
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