Originally Posted by Noctis
gtboys, unlike your retarded ass, I can think in terms of a much more narrow scope than to say I'm angry with every black person.
The anger I harbor is directed solely at the ignorant fucks (i.e., Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, the ACLU, the NAACP) who abuse and manipulate the sensitivities of the public by throwing down the race card when it shouldn't even be a fucking issue. It's ridiculous. And my concern is that their sensationalism and love for media whoring is going to result in the general African American population behaving in the same manner.
Pretty much my point exactly, but like I said, I'm long winded. Tripper I see where you are coming from as well, but I do in fact have the right to disagree without being flamed for it. I hope truly we can just forget about this whole shitty mess and move on. This is after all, just a forum.
GtBoys, your a fucking moron, seriously. WTF? I mean damn, are you just stupid? How in the hell does me disagreeing on this fact mean I want to kill a black person? And btw, I would gladly discuss this with ED, and I believe he would see my point of view as it is, Even if he disagreed with it. You truly have won the retard of the month award in my book.