10-11-2003, 06:58 PM
Im in the 4th Marine division, 4th Battalion, 4th LAR. But i wont be joining the 4th LAR until i finish LAV school and infantry school (where we fire everything the marine corp owns).
Physically the initial strength test (the test you take when you first get there to make sure your in shape is 1.5 miles in 13 minutes, 40 or 50 something crunches in 2 minutes and than minimum of 2 pull ups.
The final strength test you take 3 weeks prior to the end of bootcamp and you have to take a final stregth test every 6 months, those requirements are 3 pull ups (minimum), 66 crunches (minimum) and 3 miles in 28 minutes (minimum) Try your hardest becauuse if you do the minimum or like half decent you wont be promoted as quickly as if someone else has a higher PFT (physical fitness test) score. I did 100 crunches, 14 pull ups, and a 19:30 3 mile. Yes you can get in with glasses, and you have to ask a recruiter about the allergy thing.