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Timur the Lame is Offline
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Default 10-12-2003, 12:16 AM

I got a question about changing tik files. I'm having a problem with something similar to what you are doign with your mod. I have a k43 mod that uber soldat made and i want it to replace to kar98k mauser, and it works fine on my own server, but when i join someone else's it freezes when i try to reload. It does this for every weapon except the one it was made to replace the stg44. Now, I also have another mod, the m1 carbine which I'm not sure who made it anymore, but i can change the tik file and make it replace any gun and it has no problems on other people's server, it reloads with no problem it just looks wierd. I just don't understand how it can work for the m1 carbine and not other mods like the k43 or the fg42. Is there a piece of code that allows the m1 carbine to work that the fg42 and k43 are missing? If you have any idea of what is freezing the game for the k43 and fg42, then I would greatly appreciate it.
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