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Location: Providence, RI USA
Default 01-27-2002, 10:26 AM

ive been hosting games for quite a while on my linksys 4 port router. normally, i just forward the ports necessary to the dedicated server and the game is visible from the internet no problem. But MOHAA is given me (and others I know) many problems with this. I have forwarded ports 12201-12210 (udp and tcp) to my server. its NOT visible on the internet or gamespy. I even forwarded ALL the ports listed on page 14 of the installation manual. still no deal. The only way i can get it to work is by placing the server IP address in the DMZ. then its visible to the internet, but its wide open, and that makes me nervous....

anybody out there had similar troubles. If so, what have you tried? any ideas?

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