10-12-2003, 04:00 PM
levinstein, just stfu ok, youre a fucking idiot.
anyways, nearly every race or nationality has been screwed by racism and slavery at one point in time whether it was by foreign invaders or by their own people. it takes time for shit like that to heal. im not saying to forget about it or pretend it didnt happen, but it wont heal when people still argue about it or when some jackass makes an offhanded racial joke that isnt even funny to begin with. i think that with each generation that passes, racism decreases in some way, but the fact that it took nearly one hundred years after the civil war for civil rights to be addressed is pretty sad.
back on point, im sure the auction was a joke, because ive seen someone sell a half eaten donut on ebay, and i doubt anyone would buy a car with a pallet plank nailed onto it as a rear spoiler.