10-15-2003, 03:33 PM
Can't go wrong with casual wear. Also it's good to be prepared at all times. I graduated high school over 6 years ago so my style may not quite work but maybe some of the ideas I used can influence you.
What I wore to my last prom:
Black BTU pants - they don't stand out against the people wearing tuxes since they are black, plus they are functional, since they have plenty of pockets for keys, chewing gum (you'll need this since your breath will start kickin the first time you smoke or drink some of the shit they sell off as punch), wallet, rubbers, etc.
Dark Blue T-shirt with "Captain Amazing" printed in faded white lettering - Will make sense I promise.
Black button up VANs shirt with red trim left unbuttoned - Will cover up most of the blue shirt under it but still allow you to vent some of the heat that will inevitabley build up in the room. Also is quite usefull for the after prom when everyone esle will be uncomfortabley warm and you can simply shed into your blue undershirt.
Normal Black Tie (non clip on) tied loosely under black button up shirt. - adds formality to your dress
Converse All Stars - helluva lot more comfortable than dress shoes, plus a lot easier to dance in. Also they will match your ensemble nicely.
finally for hair:
Now I shaved my head down to stubble so I wouldnt have to worry about being hot or my hair getting messed up, but If I could do it over again I would probably go with a crew cut style instead so the girls have at least a little something to run thier fingers through while dancing to slow songs (if your good they will, trust me)
Make sure your clean shaven, MOST girls don't like a stubbly faced man, plus it ensures you don't tickle them and ruin the mood later on in the night.
One more peice of advice, if you can't find a girl in your school to go with you, try goin out to local colleges and other high schools lookin. Even if the girl has no interest in you, when you enter with her all the other girls will be curious as to who she is and be forced to talk to you, hence your chance.