Originally Posted by ninty9
Originally Posted by gtboys34
Porn is a 100% sin guys. Sure i download it UTIOTD (under the influence of the devil) but im trying to stop buts its quite addictive. Ok, i have 1 more question for you guys. Whats the approximate total amount of porn that you think uve downloaded on your current pc? (this includes deleted)
Porn is not a sin. It fufills my needs as a man without a woman. When someone has a significant other, porn is no longer required, if things are going well. When there is no one, porn fills that gap nicely. Actually even through girlfriends, i've always had porn. I guess it never goes away. I've probably downloaded in my life time at least 100gb of porn without a doubt. I would venture to guess that maybe double that number is relevant as well.
yes it is a sin man. I would like to see you go up to a pastor/confessional and ask them if downloading porno is a sin(b/c u dont have a gf? and porn is compensating you for that loss annoy: ) Dont make me start quoting bible verse's here man..