Originally Posted by ninty9
Originally Posted by gtboys34
Originally Posted by ninty9
Originally Posted by gtboys34
Porn is a 100% sin guys. Sure i download it UTIOTD (under the influence of the devil) but im trying to stop buts its quite addictive. Ok, i have 1 more question for you guys. Whats the approximate total amount of porn that you think uve downloaded on your current pc? (this includes deleted)
Porn is not a sin. It fufills my needs as a man without a woman. When someone has a significant other, porn is no longer required, if things are going well. When there is no one, porn fills that gap nicely. Actually even through girlfriends, i've always had porn. I guess it never goes away. I've probably downloaded in my life time at least 100gb of porn without a doubt. I would venture to guess that maybe double that number is relevant as well.
yes it is a sin man. I would like to see you go up to a pastor/confessional and ask them if downloading porno is a sin(b/c u dont have a gf? and porn is compensating you for that loss annoy: ) Dont make me start quoting bible verse's here man..
Ok, where does it say in the bible "Thou shal not download porn to pleasure thyself in times of need"?
Times change man. Porn has grown to be accepted into society.
When people take the bible literally shit like the crusades happen and burning people alive and the sale of indulgences to wealthy so they would have a spot in heaven etc.
The church needs to grow with changes. In 100 years the church will be so outdated, that no one will care or listen anymore. Unless the church grows with the times, no one will take it seriously.
Church is outdated as it is, who do you think started the stories decades ago that said "masturbation caused blindness and hairy palms"? First i ever heard that from was a priest, (who oddly enough turned out to be a kiddie fiddler years later). Can't help but notice the extreme lack of hairy palmed blind men though.