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Default 10-17-2003, 09:47 AM

OK, so the boat was 22 years old, and it WAS a 3 deck boat, not 2. It's max capacity is 6,000 people, and its 300 feet long.

The pilot (why do they call him a pilot, shouldn't he be a captain?) had low blood pressure, and did not take his meds, and passed out at the controls. This casued him to ram the concrete service pier thats about 100 feet from where he was sopposed to dock.

He hit the peir, and it ripped through the entire side of the boat for 250 feet. Concrete, stee beams, and glass came at people killing some, wounding others. One man saw a woman decapitated, and her head. Another saw a man lose his entire lower jaw. Another woman had both of her legs ripped off, and another man had a 800lb metal beam fall on him. Crazy stuff man.

Anyways, they then redirected the boat, and moved it to the correct dock, and started to clean up.
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