10-20-2003, 12:53 AM
So who decided hitting a baseball is the hardest thing to do?
I'd like to see this shit.
Then I'd like too see the person who decided this, hit a fucking cricket ball for six, bowled spin by Shane Warne.
Who ACTUALLY cares what requires more skill? I mean, I'm sure chess requires much more skill than hitting a baseball, doesn't make it interesting, or all round a better sport.
Infact, for all the 'skill,' involved in baseball, it is one muther-fucking BORING-ASS game.
It's so slow and shitty. Watching a bunch of fat-asses swing at a ball. Yay.
Just as bad as cricket.
Every other sport that has been mentioned on this thread, in my opinion (And I'm sure most others), is more interesting to watch than baseball.