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9th Gurkha Rifles
macstu23 is Offline
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Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Free Scotland
Default 9th Gurkha Rifles - 10-20-2003, 07:08 AM

I put together this skin pack of the British Army 9th Gurkha Rifles for Spearhead. They are based on work originally by Krystov (Desert rat and Aussie jungle), thanks to him for letting me use them. Apart from their dogged tenacity and courage, the Gurkhas were much feared in no small part down to their skill in wielding the dreaded 'kukri' blades which they carried. Their battle honours during WW2 include France and Italy (Monte Cassino), North Africa, Burma and South East Asia, so I've done relevant versions for all 3 theatres of war. I've had to make some guesses in placing the unit shoulder insignia, as I didn't have many pictures to work from. The only problem I have is that i'm not knowledgable enough in 3-d modelling to make a kukri for their equipment belts. I was hoping I could find a volunteer who might be keen to give it a go for me. The kukri in the pic claims to be military issue, 17 inch overall length, 12 inch blade. If anybody out there thinks they can do it and they have the time, please PM me as I dont really want to release them before they are complete. You'll get due credit of course. I'm also interested in some feedback. Would you like to see an officer and NCO version of each ? Comments and critiscisms welcome.


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